Lista de problemas resueltos por este usuario.

Problema Nombre del Problema Ranking Envio Lenguaje Tiempo Fecha de Envio
1424 Easy Problem from Rujia Liu? 01209º 15568088 C++17 0.756 8/9/19, 9:58:51
1071 Suma de Números... 10589º 13390192 C++ 0.000 27/3/19, 7:41:16
1047 Tiempo de Juego con Minutos 10557º 13329767 C++ 0.000 24/3/19, 5:15:53
1963 The Motion Picture 00643º 5579592 C 0.000 3/11/16, 15:52:07
1962 A Long, Long Time Ago 02733º 5572436 C 0.060 2/11/16, 16:55:56
1961 Jumping Frog 00482º 5572317 C 0.000 2/11/16, 16:37:56
1030 La Leyenda de Flavious... 03429º 5090741 C++ 0.036 1/9/16, 22:04:39
1087 Reina 00737º 5029100 C 0.000 25/8/16, 21:38:39
1332 One-Two-Three 00943º 5028747 C 0.000 24/8/16, 22:03:42
1960 Roman Numerals for Page... 00467º 4956133 C 0.000 17/8/16, 21:10:37
1959 Regular Simple Polygons 00450º 4906536 C 0.000 10/8/16, 21:57:09
1171 Frecuencia de Los Números 03696º 4906301 C 0.004 10/8/16, 21:12:36
1329 Head or Tail 01401º 4994565 C 0.004 28/7/16, 1:13:30
1192 Paula's Mathematic Game 01498º 4834133 C 0.012 28/7/16, 1:02:30
1103 Despertador 00884º 4834001 C 0.000 28/7/16, 0:45:19
1958 Scientific Notation 00239º 4662623 C 0.000 21/6/16, 21:25:03
1957 Converting to Hexadecimal 00602º 4662356 C 0.000 21/6/16, 20:49:18
1933 Tri-du 00595º 4661128 C 0.000 21/6/16, 17:54:33
1930 Electrical Outlet 00601º 4661073 C 0.000 21/6/16, 17:46:01
1929 Triangle 00423º 4655224 C 0.000 20/6/16, 18:40:31
1924 Vitória and Her Indecision 00583º 4655070 C 0.000 20/6/16, 18:09:38
1921 Guilherme and His Kites 00340º 4655105 C 0.000 20/6/16, 18:02:12
1914 Whose Turn Is It? 00439º 4654979 C 0.000 20/6/16, 17:53:24
1866 Bill 00907º 4654904 C 0.000 20/6/16, 17:44:09
1865 Mjölnir 00670º 4653967 C 0.000 20/6/16, 14:38:26
1864 Our Days Are Never Coming Back 00580º 4653884 C 0.000 20/6/16, 14:29:38
1858 Theon's Answer 00556º 4641204 C 0.000 17/6/16, 21:18:51
1855 Maester's Map 00238º 4654311 C 0.000 15/6/16, 16:47:29
1848 Counting Crow 00458º 4545562 C 0.000 3/6/16, 23:04:44
1847 Welcome to the Winter! 00458º 4535468 C 0.000 2/6/16, 19:35:29
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